Parking - front and back lots with handicap parking in the front lot.
Covered drive-thru on front lot for passengers to get in or out of cars during inclement weather.
Restrooms and water fountains located near the Sanctuary and downstairs near Fellowship Hall, as well as elsewhere in the building.
Handicap accessibility.
Elevator for those who are unable to use the stairs. (an usher will have a key to access it)
Assistive listening devices, canes, walkers, and wheelchairs available.
An AED (Automated External Defibrillator) near the Sanctuary and First Aid kits in the office and the kitchen.
Many church members are AED and CPR certified.
An overflow room at the back of the Sanctuary for those who may be more comfortable in chairs or in a wheelchair.
Prayer Room near the Sanctuary. (a small room for private prayer time)
Lending Library for children and adults.
A nursery for infants and young children available during the worship service and Sunday school.
All staff and volunteers who interact with children with required background checks and following the Safe Sanctuaries® policy of the United Methodist Church.
A large room with a kitchen downstairs. (Fellowship Hall)
- A Preschool downstairs with programs or classes for children from 18 months to 5 years.
A newly updated children's outdoor playground.
A large pavilion for outdoorsy events behind the church.
Basketball hoop.
Ga-Ga pit (Ga-Ga is a fast-paced game similar to dodge ball).
Garden plots.
Warwick to Ephrata Rail Trail (WERT) access.

Our United Methodist Connections

We are in the West District of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference of The United Methodist Church.
This district is comprised of the 103 United Methodist Churches
located in Lancaster and Lebanon counties, including one church Chester County.
West District of The Eastern Pennsylvania Conference
District Superintendent
Rev. Jenny Freymoyer
The West District is part of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference of The United Methodist Church.
This conference is comprised of the 415 United Methodist Churches located in 16 counties in eastern Pennsylvania.
Eastern Pennsylvania Conference of The United Methodist Church
Rev. John Schol
Together we form the second largest Protestant denomination in the USA, connecting with more than 12.6 million members worldwide. One of our most distinctive characteristics is putting faith and love into practice with mission and service.