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Director:  Lisa Helock

Accompanist:  Dave Luck

Choir Room

​Practice:  7:15pm Wednesdays

(no practice during the summer)



​We invite you to come and

praise God with us as we

sing and ring for His glory!

Music Ministries

High Hopes

6:30 - 7:30pm Monday

May 20


~ for children & families ~


Bells of Hope

Director:  Lisa Helock


Practice:  6:00pm Wednesdays

(no practice during the summer)


Our choir performs with a three-octave set of Schulmerich™ handbells for special services and frequently for Sunday worship services.


No experience is necessary to join us during practices. We welcome new members and enjoy teaching those who are new to handbells!

High Hopes

Click here to register!

For families with children in pre-kindergarten through 5th grade. We gather to learn the love of Jesus in an evening filled with storytelling, games, crafts, snacks and fun!

Held on the first Monday of the month October through May from 6:30-7:30 PM.


Open Communion


We celebrate an "Open Communion" at Hope United Methodist Church, meaning everyone is welcome to participate. We invite you to join us as we share the Lord's Supper at the altar rail.


Ushers will invite those in your row to rise and come forward.  If you are unable to walk to the altar, those serving communion will come to you at your seat after the congregation has been served.




We share by a method called intinction. As you come forward you will be given a piece of bread which you will dip into the grape juice.

Then you may eat.


Afterward you may stop at the altar rail to pray.




We use grape juice so that all may enjoy the feast, young and old! Children are welcome, but please help them if they are very young. If you wish, you may bring them forward for a blessing by the Pastor instead. Simply let us know when you approach the altar.



Hope Lives!

Contemporary Praise Service

Join us at 11am Sunday as for our uplifting worship service and sing out your praise with joy-filled music.


☼ Real     

☼ Relevant

☼ Relational

5 Part Series: Life’s Ultimate Questions.


On April 28th, Pastor Richard began five messages on Life’s Ultimate Questions. Psychology Today asked readers to submit questions

and over 30,000 responded. These questions are newcomer friendly because whether one belongs to a church or not,

these are the top five ultimate questions. (In order of the requests of the readers)

Part 5 of 5: Healing the Past


John 8:1-12 Communion

I cannot poison my own soul by refusing to forgive. For the Christian forgiveness is an ongoing process for ourselves and for others. This will keep the future in perspective, "God have mercy on me, a sinner."


Healing Principle #5 "Choose to live into the future."


We celebrate birthdays and anniversaries on the first Sunday of every month.

Testimony of Edwin Ramos

February 9

We welcomed guest speaker Edwin Ramos from Allentown, PA. He is friend of Pastor Scott and is a life coach and one of the managers on staff at the Allentown Rescue Mission. Edwin shared his compelling testimony of how Jesus Christ raised him out of drug addiction and homelessness to a new life where he can help others who are at the end of their rope.


June 2

Question: #1  What is the Meaning of Life?

Matthew 4: 1-11

This is the question that had the most votes from the 30,000 folks who submitted questions.

What good is it if I live 80-90 years or so and have no idea “Why?”

Love God and love people is Jesus’ formula for the meaning of life.

Communion Sunday and Celebration of June birthdays and anniversaries

​Evangelism. Huh?  Part 3 of 3: How Do We Love Ourselves?


April 19 - We Are So Precious in God’s Eyes  (Psalm 139:1-16)

April 26 - It’s All About Authenticity  (Matthew 5:13-16)

May 3 - Knowing Our Identity in Christ  (Ephesians 1:3-14)

May 10 - We Die to Self Every Day  (Galatians 2:19-21)


Prayer Shawl Ministry

​Hazel Stoudt, Knitter-in-Chief

Room 226

10am Tuesdays

(no meetings June, July, August)


Men, women, and teens are welcome!


Our Prayer Shawl Ministry is a combination of prayers, knitting, and crocheting. Our goal is to bring God's love to those in need, through the comfort and warmth of handmade shawls.


We gather to knit and crochet afghans and shawls for those who are celebrating, going through a crisis or illness, or grieving a loved one. 


No experience is necessary! If you would like to learn, we will be very happy to teach you.


For more information about the origin of the Prayer Shawl Ministry, or to obtain patterns and tips, etc., visit 

Message Series:  Press The Reset Button

A new 4-part series for a New Year!

When all else fails, press the reset button. This is the answer towards any problem with household or electronic devices. Press the reset button to restart them. What if we could do the same thing with our lives? Absolutely! Perhaps 2021 wasn’t a favorable year for your family. We can press the reset button for 2022 and begin a fresh start. We will explore the gospel’s power to help us experience a fresh start, complete restoration, a transforming love, and a truly merciful God, even in difficult times. 

January 2 – Part 1: "A Fresh Start” (Luke 2:41-52)

January 9 – Part 2: "A Complete Restoration” (John 14:1-7, 26-28)

January 16 – Part 3: "A Transforming Love” (Romans 5:6-11)

January 23 – Part 4: "A Merciful God” (Luke 7:36-50)

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