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Seed Planting Day!

Today we planted the all native seed mix. Pheasants Forever generously loaned us a seeder and the Pennsylvania Game Commission Land Management Supervisor delivered it to Hope Meadow and showed us how to use it. We planted the interior of the meadow with Ernst Seed Showy Northeast Native Wildflower mix (ERNMX-153-1) and Little Blue Stem as our native grass. Don't panic if this year you see oats in the field. The oats must be added to the native seed mix to help with seed germination and control the cool season grasses already planted in the field. The oats will help shade out the cool season grasses and give the seed mix a chance to take hold. The oats will die off in the winter and will not reestablish next year, giving our native seedlings a good head start the second year.

I would like to thank Paul Trella for all his hard work. Paul prepared the field with tilling and spent today operating the heavy machinery and the seeder. His knowledge of the equipment and dedication to the field preparation and establishment is a blessing. I would also like to thank Pheasants Forever and the Pennsylvania Game Commission for the use of the seeder. Thank you to Tyler Hudock for delivering and showing us how to use the seeder.

Now pray for rain!

Hope Preschool came to watch us plant seeds

Ernst 153-1 seed mix

Filling the seeder

Thank you Pheasants Forever and PGC

2 Kommentare

27. Apr. 2019

Great information on the seeding process with oats. Thank you, Cammy, for your hard work and bringing this project to Hope church.

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25. Apr. 2019

Can wait to see all the flowers and butterflies ~ what a beautiful day for planting ~ rain dance in the morning!

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